Sunday, February 1, 2015

Tremors from the European politics impacting markets...' A feeling of 'Teutonische arroganz' ?

Greece embodies a great political shift ... Obama handled that shift to left of center well in the USA and kept capitalism afloat. The youth in India had no hesitation in latching on to right wing politicians who they felt would put India on to high growth trajectory. So the youth of the World are not ideological but pragmatic: they just want jobs and growth that will fetch them jobs.

However in Europe  as usual, there is hesitation in accepting reality.. Possibly in Portugal, Italy, and Spain the tremors of Greece will be felt strongly in the days to come. The  unemployed youth will support change (one in Greece and Spain among the youth are unemployed) and a shift to more non -German dominated policies. National spirits will re-emerge. Germans will feel that they are technically and from a productivity orientation superior. The refusal of the German politicians to pay heed to the new rulers in Greece smacks of unintended arrogance which will be observed  by the rest of the world.  Looks like real economics needs that euro and European assets may be pushed further down.

Achtung, Deutschland!!!

Views expressed without any risk or responsibility. 

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