Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Carpe Diem ECB...

Seize the Moment, Mr. Draghi....

Great central bankers are not Uncertain, unsure, unsung...

We know you are caught between a hesitant ECB and oil price dip inspired BUBA that holds the hand of ECB back.

The  rise in euro seems improbable as SNB  and Bank of Canada cut rates but it does seem happening out there in the markets. A strengthening of euro is the last thing that ECB wants. The market is killing Europe softly with love like the Yen did to Japan.

The intent is to expand the ECB’s  balance sheet  to the levels of 2012, or about 3 trillion euros. ECB has assets of about 2.2 trillion euros currently, that may reduce by 200 billion euros of outstanding long-term loans mature shortly. But there is quite a bit of  unfulfilled desire that ECB should keep its taps open. 

In either case it would be logical to expect the dollar to strengthen as a hesitant ECB seems wobbly.

Without risk or responsibility. 

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