Monday, February 16, 2015

Europe's leaders need to read the Chinese parable of listening.

Kings have to listen.

Great Salesmen know that the customer has to be heard.  The European leaders  just failed to listen to each other. Posturing cost the markets billions of dollars as they kept on delaying a final decision.
Europe showed a lack of leadership skills when they walked out without discussing  the compromise proposal of European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker. . The current assistance program expires at the end of February.
It is then the  funding risks imposed on the Greek banks that should worry. There is a natural flight to quality from these Greek banks and estimates of deposit withdrawals are that it could be $ 2 billion per week.
Volatility in markets do not help markets. Europe's financial markets are fragmented. Private investment in euro area has fallen from 20 % of GDP in 2008 to 16 % in 2013; in Greece, Portugal and Spain, it has declined between 6 to 9 percent (Bank of Greece estimates)
Greek authorities   planned a renegotiated restructuring of the country's debt, most of which was owed to official sector institutions. Greece has not indicated that it would leave the euro area. Europe is yet  to be a great team. In the meantime, them banks!

Without any risk or responsibility. 

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