Monday, February 23, 2015

UK Retail Sales slowing: effects...

The weakness of the retail sales in UK will have some impact on: (+1%  instead of +42%)
a) purchase orders which would be reduced;
a slow down or postponement of intended investment; and
c) possibility of job losses yin the sector.

In consumer spending, there is a lag between perceived drop in real income and a reduction in prices. With the drop in inflation which is largely on account of energy prices, real incomes would have increased; but the consumer sees that in the overall a slowdown leading to wage falls or even job losses threatens future incomes. So, the consumer refrains from spending. With Europe not doing too well and large entities  in UK in a bit of a struggle, people hold back spending. The future from this side of the Atlantic looks a shade worrisome.

So the data indicates a softened UK assets and Great Britain Pound.

Without any risk or responsibility.

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