Thursday, February 19, 2015

Greece: A Flight to Quality : Domestic Deposits Leave First?

Germany can afford to play the stringent banker.
Greece has to reckon with its weaknesses; in practice the domestic residents may be among the first to fly to quality.

Greek deposit flows:
Deposits and repos of non MFIs in MFIs in Greece (excluding the Bank of Greece)
Flows during the period in EUR millions 

Jan-09 -1,037
Feb-09 753
Mar-09 3,756
Apr-09 4,035
May-09 -712
Jun-09 5,841
Jul-09 -4,336
Aug-09 2,047
Sep-09 2,339
Oct-09 -2,880
Nov-09 -970
Dec-09 2,464
Jan-10 -5,326
Feb-10 -2,986
Mar-10 -2,081
Apr-10 -5,872
May-10 -1,197
Jun-10 -2,096
Jul-10 -4,819
Aug-10 -326
Sep-10 7,098
Oct-10 -4,063
Nov-10 -3,666
Dec-10 1,231
Jan-11 -2,709
Feb-11 -1,151
Mar-11 125
Apr-11 -4,807
May-11 -12,420
Jun-11 -3,502
Jul-11 7,481
Aug-11 -6,649
Sep-11 -7,752
Oct-11 -7,600
Nov-11 -2,225
Dec-11 819
Jan-12 -4,454
Feb-12 -4,832
Mar-12 1,133
Apr-12 844
May-12 -9,582
Jun-12 -7,581
Jul-12 3,097
Aug-12 -339
Sep-12 2,076
Oct-12 606
Nov-12 739
Dec-12 9,099
Jan-13 3,593
Feb-13 2,964
Mar-13 661
Apr-13 -4,941
May-13 566
Jun-13 -205
Jul-13 2,062
Aug-13 1,240
Sep-13 -336
Oct-13 -1,156
Nov-13 -273
Dec-13 -249
Jan-14 -2,550
Feb-14 126
Mar-14 1,784
Apr-14 216
May-14 -2,066
Jun-14 3,021
Jul-14 1,367
Aug-14 -694
Sep-14 -238
Oct-14 -325
Nov-14 -643
Dec-14 -4,850

Data Source: Bank of Greece 

Without any risk or responsibility. 

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