Friday, February 13, 2015

HSBC: Ths Glocal Bank : Thinking Small, Acting Illegal? TBTF?

HSBC - Regulators and Supervisors who failed?
It is not that HSBC has just been charged with abetting tax evasion. It has faced specific charges of laundering in more than one jurisdiction. HSBC has wrongly sold payment protection insurance; it has been charged with having given terrorists, drug cartels, and criminals access to the US financial system. It was involved in LIBOR fixing.

With such intensive and extensive misdemeanors, how could the home country and host country regulators have overlooked the manipulations and machinations of HSBC? Where were the Colleges of regulators? 

HSBC Europe's largest bank had many home supervisors and regulators:
  1. The Financial Services Act 2012 established an independent Financial Policy Committee (FPC) a new prudential regulator of the Bank of England.
  2. Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) authorizes and supervises HSBC for safety and soundness, ensuring adequacy capital.
  3. Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is responsible for making sure bank employees behave properly.
  4. Serious Fraud Office (SFO)
  5. British tax authority, HMRC (HMRC)
  6. Competition and Markets Authority(CMA)

Worrying Doubts:
What is the on site/off site surveillance, monitoring mechanism of the Supervisors in England? 
Why was no action taken by the regulators / supervisors against HSBC?
What is the accountability of the regulators / supervisors?
Does that imply  that you can get away if  you are too big to fail? (TBTF) 
Have we double standards when it comes to big banks?
Where is post BCCI  supervisory coordination efforts? 

Views expressed Without any risk or responsibility

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