Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Euro to fall on comments; Nigerian Naira is falling and so will other West African currencies...?Without any risk or responsibility

“it’s over” if Greece doesn’t want the final tranche of the current aid program.  - Wolfgang Schaeuble- Fiance Minister, Germany . 

Hubris in Greece
Arroganz in deutsche
Posturing in English
Talking down the euro in market jargon. 

West Africa is badly hit as oil and commodity prices' fall to worrying levels.With oil at indifferent lows, and given that commodity prices  have been insensate in their  fall, African countries are severely affected. Ebola in countries in this region has set back the clock of development. Ghana has been negotiating with IMF  for over six months now.

The dollar being high will hurt the Africans. The only solace is if imports are invoiced in euro, it might be helpful. But that may not help much. Local investors may already have fled to safety.

Views expressed without any risk or responsibility.

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