Monday, February 9, 2015

Logos Pathos, Ethos of Greece

Logic : Nationalism. New left of centre Government. New Prime Minister. Academically charged Finance Minister. High on Sentiment. High on Emotions. Takes time to absorb international diplomacy is beyond shuttle diplomacy.
Pathos : 50% of the youth are unemployed; one out of every 4 persons are without jobs.

"Poverty in Greece in recent years seems to have shifted away from the elderly towards younger couples with children and young workers. In particular, the percentage of children up to 15 years living in households which are below the relative poverty threshold rose to 23.3% in 2011 (EU-27: 20.3%), from 19.3% in 2005 which is about two percentage points higher than the corresponding percentage for the whole population. 21.4% of the Greek population or 901,194 households numbering 2,341,400 individuals in total live below the relative at risk-of-poverty threshold (based on 2010 incomes). This relative poverty rate is significantly higher than that of the other EU countries except Spain, Romania and Bulgaria". (based on a Bank of Greece Study)

Ethos: There is a lack of  accommodation on either side the EU : the 'givers' and Greece:  the 'takers': both sides are intransigent.  There has to be cessation of confrontation.  
There has to be realization that at all times in history power has been with the bankers and seldom with the sovereign politicians.

Without any risk or responsibility 

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