Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bank of Greece data shows credit flows are largely negative still...

Extracts of  a Press Release the Bank of Greece has stated that 
  Bank credit to the domestic private sector
In January 2015, the annual growth rate of total credit extended to the domestic private sector stood at -2.9% from -3.1% in the previous month. 
The monthly net flow of total credit to the domestic private sector was negative, at €95 million (January 2014: negative net flow of €576 million).
Credit to corporations
Monthly net flow of credit to corporations in January 2015 was positive, at €328 million 
 (January 2014: negative net flow of €268 million),  
The annual growth rate of credit stood at -3.1%, from -3.7% in the previous month. 

Credit to sole proprietors and unincorporated partnerships
The monthly net flow of credit to sole proprietors and unincorporated partnerships was negative, at €3 million in January 2015 (against a negative net flow of €2 million in January 2014)
Annual growth rate stood at -0.3%, unchanged from the previous month.
Credit to individuals and private non-profit institutions
Monthly net flow of credit to individuals and private non-profit institutions was negative, at €420 million (January 2014: negative net flow of €306 million), w
 annual growth rate stood at -3.0%, from -2.9% in the previous month.

Our Comments:
Confidence in the Greek system is so low. Entrepreneurial activity may  face continued and prolonged disruptions. Reals incomes should fall further as job creations hit nadir.

Views expressed without any risk or responsibility

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