Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Yellen's thinking might be restrained by European deflation fears...

As the Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen  speaks to the Congressional Committees in a little while from now  today and then tomorrow, she may have less worries in her mind on the US economy and growth rate but  more on the European woes. Europe looks like flattering Japan through imitation of its long, winding recession. The gloating Germans who have drubbed the Greeks may not have solved the European problem any better.  If there was a worry earlier of a massive flight of capital away from the emerging markets, it now looks like that those fears have been substituted by concerns on a faltering Europe which needs structural reforms and which is lost in its myriad directives and institutions. So the Fed may hold back ; soften the US monetary policy.

The Fed  may like to  but may still be patient.

For the US industry, a depreciated dollar helps compete better.
Buy on the rumor, sell on the fact!

Without any risk or responsibility

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