Friday, February 27, 2015

Indian Economic Survey : The vast unsaid about Indian banks... Are the Gross NPAs more?

The India Government's just released economic survey has a  graph which seems to suggest that Indian banks' asset portfolio may be prone to larger shades of non performance than originally thought of or  publicised by regulators. Restructured assets need to be added to really study how infected the balance sheets of banks are. 

The Indian banks gross non performing assets plus restructured assets at over 13% for public sector banks and nearly 10 % for all scheduled commercial banks .

The Survey goes on to say that  "a steep decline in gross fixed capital formation, a large volume of projects in suspended animation, worryingly high number of stressed assets in banks’ balance sheets and a highly leveraged corporate sector- suggests that Indian firms face a classic debt overhang problem in the aftermath of a debt fuelled investment bubble, translating into a balance sheet syndrome with Indian characteristics."

(Why do Indian Projects fail? : The survey identifies some reasons why so many Indian projects are stalling or stalled: 
  • Unfavourable market conditions- 
  • Lack of promoter interest-
  •  Lack of non-environmental clearances 
  •  Land acquisition problem - 
  • Lack of n Clearances - 
  • Lack of funds 
  • Fuel/feedstock/raw material supply problem  ) 

Are some of Mumbai Stock Exchange's companies  passing through  a debt overhang? Are the banks adding on to this typically Indian  problem with their  competitive disbursements and adverse selection of borrowers? Is there a contamination of the portfolio which is being window dressed by banks through restructuring? 

Reserve Bank may have to explain  quite a bit on this graph.

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