Tuesday, January 6, 2015

USA succeeds in beating off all competition...

Japan caught between 2 worlds, one dead the other struggling to be born. Does not want to be safe haven, but has it thrust on.
China , now on to a globalised, export affected world, seeing its growth falter surely but slowly.
Russians - drowning in oil glut in the Czar psyche but with troubled reserves and falling currency.
Saudi Arabians who have chosen a path of Pyrrhic victory. They are defending lost market shares.
Iran not knowing which way to turn with slippery oil prices. (You have to run to walk!)
Europe with a shade of 'Teutonic' indifference doing itself in from Greece to Germany, disjointed in parts, un-coordinated and condescending in parts. (House Rich Cash poor Europe)
India , lost in its bureaucracy and corruption; hesitant to grasp the opportunity.
The BRICS edifice crumbled some time ago on to the waysides of economic history- with commodities down and halting growth.
United Kingdom, with its sterling imperialism lost amidst   its fixing dealers and hoping to soon loose its 'best international centre' status despite its time zone advantage.

Buy US assets and sit back and relax for now.  As long as you have research orientation in its Universities, and innovative migrant psyche , USA is a class leader in economics.

Views expressed without risk or responsibility. 

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