Monday, January 5, 2015

Cut loss day for emerging markets?

Australian and Kiwi stocks are battling the bears. Australian banks are also perhaps facing swap bill rate fixing scandal charges- so it looks a bleak sellers day in the East. There is not much until New York to inspire a dyke in this great day of cut losses. That Yen, representing an economy in deflation for several years, is seen as a safe heaven speaks volumes that investors have less and less space to run to.
Europe's dilly dallying is costing the World money. Germany, instead of leading, is restraining ECB and Draghi has been trying all that he can - speak the euro down. Europe is now facing a possibility of Greece exit - had it been some three years ago, it may have helped- 3 years down the road, one has to pay back with interest...

Oil prices have fallen further, as predicted here. With Iraq pumping more to make both ends meet, mid east economies are severely vulnerable. There should be massive drops on Mid East bourses as oil flounders at $ 50.

It looks like high dollar, high yen , low Euro, low Asian currencies, low Latin American currencies. Kuwaiti currency, Dinar would be under severe pressure as it takes on the first of the impact. Commodities have nowhere to go today, it looks.

Emerging markets, there is the worrying wind ; it sounds like a stormy day.

Views expressed without risk or responsibility. 

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