Friday, January 23, 2015

Greece : The agony of a civilization

"In 2015, Athens will have to pay some 22 billion euros ($25.4 billion) in principal and interest on various loans, including 1.6 billion euros in February and 2.6 billion euros in March. The main challenge for Athens will come in the third quarter of the year: Greece is scheduled to pay back debt obligations of 1.5 billion euros in June, 4.7 billion euros in July and 3.6 billion euros in August, in addition to Athens’ financial needs to run the country."


"As Greece prepares to vote, a new age of Eurozone tension begins"
"One alternative would be for Greece to abandon the European Union’s common currency, the euro, and slam the door behind by declaring some form of bankruptcy. That prospect, known as the Greek exit, or “Grexit,” could be calamitous for the stability and long-term prosperity of the E.U. economy, in particular the German locomotive that drives it."


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