Friday, January 23, 2015

Looking for a Dealer Job? Some probable questions....

10 Generic and 12 Subject related Questions a dealer should be ready with answers.

1.     Your  Brief Profile. 
2.     5 major accomplishments / highlights of your career.
3.     Your Goals in your life.
4.     Why do you think you should be in the dealing room?
5.     Where do you think you would be 5 years from now ?
6.     If you were to make a Swot analysis of yourself, what do you think your assessment would be?
7.     What are the most (3) important events in your life?
8.     Who has / have influenced the most in your life? Why?
9.     Have you changed over the years? If so, how & Why?
10.  Do you consider yourself as a leader or a follower?
11. Who is your role model as a Foreign Exchange Dealer? Why do you consider him a role model?
12. Do you think you make profits in all your deals?
13. If you have a position and the market is moving against you, what do you do?
14. What is a currency carry trade?
15. Do you have a solution for Europe’s Economy?
16. What do you think will be the impact of Mario Draghi's QE?
17. Explain Grexit.
18. What is 'knockout option'?
19. China seeks a third position for its currency: do you think it is possible?
20. How do you see the Loonie, Kiwi and the Aussie?     
21. Why do you think SNB recently de-pegged?

22. Do you think the Danes should de-peg? 

Without any risk or responsibility...

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