Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Obama's economy : The cheer from the State of the Union

Excerpts from the State of the Union Message which look sound for USA economy: 

  • US unemployment rate is now lower than it was before the financial crisis. 
  • More of US kids are graduating than ever before;
  • More of USA people are insured than ever before;
  • USA is free from the grip of foreign oil as in almost 30 years.

  • America is number one in oil and gas.
  • America is number one in wind power.
  • Every three weeks, USA brings online as much solar power as USA did in all of 2008.
  • Owing to lower gas prices and higher fuel standards, the typical family this year should save $750 at the pump.
  • By the end of this decade, two in three job openings will require some higher education. Two in three. 
  • To update the job training system, USA is connecting community colleges with local employers to train workers to fill high-paying jobs like coding, and nursing, and robotics. 
  • Since 2010, America has put more people back to work than Europe, Japan, and all advanced economies combined. Manufacturers have added almost 800,000 new jobs.
  • Sectors, like the auto industry, are booming.
  • There are millions of Americans who work in jobs that did not even exist ten or twenty years agojobs at companies like Google, eBay, and Tesla.
Without any risk or responsibility

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