Monday, January 5, 2015

Mumbai opening and closing lower?

Given that there is a fall whispering loud in the wind, the fears  of a  Greek tragedy  and a rush to bonds , foreign institutional investors would like to travel home and / or safe to US Dollar  assets which seem the only unaffected one right now. Europe and Asia offer  little solace. The pathos of yen offering a safe haven will adversely affect Japanese exports.
The state of affairs  should see emerging economies fall and given the hesitant reforms and the not too good position of the financial sector, India will reflect that wave too. The stock market and the rupee both should see south. Attempts by local institutional buyers to shore up the market (possibly under pressure from big investors)  may well be used by wary and discerning other investors to offload in a falling market. India's big names may be under severe pressure and wealth losses look imminent. All industrial and mineral stocks are internationally under pressure and this should affect Indian companies too.

The wiser may be sellers.

Views expressed without risk or responsibility. 

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