Monday, January 19, 2015

IMF revises growth downwards ...

"Global Growth Revised Down, Despite Cheaper Oil, Faster U.S. Growth"

"Global growth is forecast to rise moderately in 2015–16, from 3.3 percent in 2014 to 3.5 percent in 2015 and 3.7 percent in 2016"

"The growth forecast for China, where investment growth has slowed and is expected to moderate further, has been marked down to below 7 percent."

"Russia’s economic outlook is much weaker, with growth forecast downgraded to –3.0 percent for 2015, as a result of the economic impact of sharply lower oil prices and increased geopolitical tensions."
" many emerging and developing economies, the projected rebound in growth for commodity exporters is weaker or delayed compared with the  October 2014 WEO projections, as the impact of lower oil and other commodity prices on the terms of trade and real incomes is taking a heavier toll on medium-term growth. For many oil importers, the boost from lower oil prices is less than in advanced economies, as more of the related windfall gains accrue to governments (for example, in the form of lower energy subsidies)."

C:\Users\GBhatt\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\WZ143NOL\weo_tbl_012015 (2).jpg

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