Thursday, February 5, 2015

Why the World may not face another great recession soon...

·         The   steep  fall in oil prices should  /  will  raise the real disposable income of people. The circular flow of funds will see an induction of funds.
·         Oil price and commodity price falls will increase company profit margins. Input costs will come down, which enhances margins.
·         These augmented fund flows from corporate sector and households would service debt and increase compensatory spending in the private sector. There should be liability increases in the banking sector.
·         The larger than expected QE moves on ECB's part and proactive action by Bank of Japan lift both sentiments and financial flows .
·         Nominal interest rates close to zero in several countries.
·         The depreciation of the euro.
·         This would strengthen price competitiveness of euro-area companies  
·         Growth has returned to the largest economy of the World, USA.
·         There are  great economic moves going on in China and India.
·         China is averaging 7 % growth rate (which may be lower than expectations of double digit) but yet is one of the most enviable rates.
·         India is also looking at great growth in coming years with reforms and infrastructure coming through with at least declared intent and speed.

·         There is a great move towards urbanization in the emerging economies. This will bring about economic agglomerations in emerging countries. 

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