Tuesday, February 3, 2015

CFA Institute Members' Pessimism

Rhodri Preece's Article

2015 Market Outlook EMEA: Weak Growth and QE Policies to Shape Local Market Outcomes at 

http://blogs.cfainstitute.org/marketintegrity/2015/02/02/2015-market-outlook-emea-weak-growth-and-qe-policies-to-shape-local-market-outcomes/ is  a good read.
It speaks of pessimism among the most talented professionals in finance:
"In Germany — the region’s largest economy — CFA Institute members predict local growth of just 1.2% for 2015. Respondents in other European markets are similarly pessimistic, with local growth predictions of 1.0% in the Netherlands, 0.9% in Switzerland, and just 0.5% in France, the Eurozone’s second-largest economy. This wave of pessimism extends even to the United Kingdom, which was one of the fastest-growing developed economies in 2014 .. .investment professionals predict below-trend growth of 1.8% in the UK in 2015."

Views Expressed without any risk or responsibility

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