Tuesday, February 3, 2015

USA vs EU : A Leadership Issue

After quantitative easing talks dragged on for months, the Germans relented. EU's leaders had faltered.By then opportunities may have been missed.

The filibustering by Germany on the Greek haircut insistence seems to be another instance of leadership intransigence in EU.

Great nations are led by great leaders. As Thomas Carlyle said, history is at rock bottom a history of leaders of nations. Union of states or nations would or should throw up great leaders; adversities should throw up even greater strands among leaders. There is no way one can deny that the Greeks  chose change as they are seriously afflicted. Nearly half the youth are estimated to be unemployed and real incomes have been falling. Rather than openly resisting haircuts, and humiliating a seemingly novice but youthful political managers of Greece, Germany as the leader in EU should have initiated a dialogue by now. Leadership implies conveying distance , but not to your own. And Greece is in the EU and therefore Germany's own.

There is a recession knocking at Europe and a breakdown in parts and it is still searching for a great leader. You cannot talk down euro and be complacent, Sakakibara , a great hero in the 1990s (he was called Mr. Yen) could not talk down the Yen enough to avoid an agonizing and prolonged recession.

Europe, thou art a divided house. A medley is a cacophony. Can we have a Conductor?

Views expressed without any risk or responsibility. 

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