Monday, February 2, 2015

RBI: Management by Committees or Delaying Decisions?

"The Reserve Bank of India has constituted a High Powered Committee   to re-examine and recommend appropriate set of businesses, size, conversion and licensing terms for the Urban Cooperative Banking Sector. This was pursuant to the recommendation made by the Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) on UCBs in its meeting held on October 20, 2014."

In the first seven months of the year 2014, the Reserve Bank of India had  the 14 following Reports submitted to it[1].

July 2014
July 2014
May 2014
May 2014
April 2014
April 2014
April 2014
March 2014
March 2014
February 2014
February 2014
February 2014
January 2014
January 2014

What has it done with this deluge of management by committees?

Views Expressed without any risk or responsibility...

[1] http:// accessed on 25 July 2014 

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