Monday, May 4, 2015

Advantages Using Sensors and Big Data to help the Internet of Education (IoEd)

 1.      A sensor—something that senses, captures, and reports information[1] can be used by the education industry to improve student monitoring on an ongoing basis.
2.    It adds to immediate care of students by constant although through remote connectivity.
3. Cell phones could be used to effectively track student locations through using global positioning systems (GPS). Radio frequency identification (RFID) sensors are already in use in educational context.            
4.      Schools can mine big  data for segmentation, growth trendingto track student progress,  assessment patterns and deviations if any.
5.      Understand gauge student reactions through interpreting voluminous data.
6.      Be conversant with the sources of data available to the decision makers.
7.      View industry level data for averages' computation and benchmarking.
8.      Gleaning relevant information.
9.   Big Data brings together  statisticians, IT data specialists and business analysts for adding to business value.
10.  Schools obtain an insight to decision making. Teachers can achieve insight based on analysis of real data.  
11.  Schools get a macro perspective; there is the development of a mind-set and behaviour against silos.
12.  There is an added emphasis on shared data.
13.  The school management has to perforce assimilate basic understanding of analytical techniques so that they can utilize the results of big data analytics effectively.
14.  Aggregated datasets help evolve norms for  access, security and privacy. 
15.  There is more professionalization in the education industry with  requisite analytic skills being  at a premium.
16.  Decisions are not intuitive but based on confirmed big data.  
17.  Big data require schools to align their operational strategy and even their mission to big data. Information needs of the school is viewed in totality.
18.  Big data can improve consistency, ensure accuracy
19.  Big data necessitates and accelerates standardization of data, processes for data usage, consequential communications and best practices across the  industry.
20.  Schools need to redesign their existing architecture and move to component based architecture.
21.  Develops School information strategy.
The copyright vests with the author. He can be contacted at

[1] Hewlett Packard (2015) The disruptive power of big data Business white paper | HP Haven big data platform

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