Saturday, May 30, 2015

From the Managerial Zoo- 4 - Managers in Days of Internet of Things

Young technocrats may have to work with a number of different types of managers - some supportive, some obsolete. This author tries, in this series,  to portray these   managers in these days of  the digital manager. 

Tigers (TM)

Tiger managers have confident notions of themselves. They set themselves on a higher cliff and look down on others- most often 'the prey'.  Leading largely successful but  solitary lives, except for requirements of official communion, these managers are cooped up in offices behind mahogany  type desks in style.

They have their fiefdoms and territorial ranges earmarked. They will combat anyone who enters their fiefdom. They hold on to their principles. Interdepartmental or inter jurisdictional boundaries are drawn up; any encroachment (perceived defence threat)  is guarded against with utmost alacrity.

They are in command and is wary of intrusion. During  presentations, they prance up and down, they snarl and pounce on opponents but with intelligent thought. The TM  manager authentically and assertively,  (roars emphatically triumphant and a lesson for all) finishes off his opponent. This type of a manager permits his cronies (his followers, his disciples) to share his booty. He expects huge bonuses  and gives his department staff good increments too. This type scowls when annoyed, bares their fangs, and  moans when tensed up. They cannot let their anxiety be known to the outside world. They are loners, quietly assertive for themselves. 

What would Tiger Managers like young professionals  to do?

o   Keep positive attitudes
o   Train (business and technical); groom with authenticity
o   Ensure tooling (computers, workstations, etc.)
o   Let others participate in management decisions until it affects them.
o   Seek value in service.
o   Trust colleagues.
o   Respect colleagues
o   Be security conscious.
o   Data privacy assuring.
o   Permits you to be  on flex time as he is result driven
o   Insist on  accountability where possible
o   Lead through example.

  (Excerpts from the author's manuscript on the IoT Manager. Copyright vests with  the author) 

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