Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Burberry Sale: may be value buy ...

  • Burberry is a heritage brand(1856) . 
  • Luxury fashion industry is largely demand inelastic. 
  • The  upper income echelons buy luxury fashion wear. They attach less significance to price tags and more to brand.  
  • Aspirant classes  and the wealthy  are less  price sensitive.  
  • The brand represents what is 'imperially modern'. 
  • It has a good  presence in the US where the currency is now in an appreciation mode. 
Price editing to off set currency changes may be a good tactic but not a strategic move for a premium brand. (The premium person buys a premium brand at a premium price!) Burberry needs to rethink its marketing, pricing and (currency) risk strategies. 

May be the great fall following the downbeat is a good time to buy.

The sale may be a good time to buy!

This academic advice is without any risk or responsibility.  

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