Sunday, May 31, 2015

More on the Internet of Education

Internet of Things (IoT)  is supposed to carry a $ 19 trillion value-at-stake tag over the next decade, says Cisco[1]. That volume of a bill suggests opening up of  opportunities to individuals, households, groups, firms and companies into an economy that is struggling to be born. The frontiers of economics are expanding into  'more of techniques and less of men'  scenario. (Y= f(k,l, t) where Y = output, k = capital, l= labour  and t = technology )

Education's new challenge is that it  must  thrive within this rapidly evolving IoE economy which is machine and connectivity oriented.

Internet of Education (IoEd) should be envisaged as a networked connection of students and teachers, learning and teaching processes, of relevant data and of devices, which are charged and linked by cloud, mobile, social analytics and which is protected by security. The medium of IT would trigger off great changes in the operational technology  of delivery of education. 

IoEd is about using sensors and wireless connectivity to  support educational activities. This connectivity calls for reliability of data and systems, adherence to high standards of professional etiquette, data integrity and to continuous evaluation of performance. IoEd would connect the academic and physical worlds through information technology.  There has to be an established data bank based on the registration, progression, internal processes and the contributory and contextual environment in academic institutions. This will increase the outreach of education, dynamically augment efficiencies, stress on mechanization of academic activities and minimize delivery risk in teaching.

Education has now to move into this internet world to coexist with and exist in the cloud.  Education support professionals (read technical staff) have to evolve a portfolio and an ecosystem of cloud infrastructure and application services that allow teaching  and learning to uniquely and securely coalesce with cloud applications and services which can be used by both faculty and students. Educators have to deliver, using online and offline, on site and off site modes utilizing multiple cloud models. 

Networked connections have to make education accessible, relevant and valuable. There has to be a transformation process from mere information into knowledge. Knowledge has to collectively grow into wisdom and thus constitute the core competence of the educational institutions.

IoEd has to create new capabilities out of the many experiences and learning curves it has earned.   IoEd has to pick up the appropriate middleware platform. There has to be an IoEd Strategy which supports the identification and development of solutions.  Successful business application ensures costing and monetization of each activity.

Miniaturization technology and use of smart wearables add to the effectiveness of IoEd. In M2M (machine to machine) and M2m (Machine to men) connectivity paths, design, applications, measured performance, efficiency parameters, interoperability of devices, drawing up of scenarios, (what - if)   interactive methods are all significant.   Both, hardware and software become collaborative in their effort to deliver academic value.

Educational institutions have to use enterprise planning for new IoEd architectures, standards and protocols which are to build the working ecosystem.   Developers have to harmonize thoughts with educators to develop platforms.  The time to market for application development is short.  New technologies – hardware, software, bandwidth, sensor –have to integrate to make new solutions feasible for the first time.  Education has to   interact and change to fast lanes with computing technology . The economies will come in with the concept of leveraging academic data at micro and macro levels. Educational institutions have to reckon with hardware commoditization, software solution development, connectivity, big data and data analytics. 

 Note : These strands of thought are a part of the research work being undertaken by the author on the Internet of Education. Copyright of this material vests with the author, Jayaram Nayar. He can be contacted at

[1] The Internet of Everything—A $19 Trillion Opportunity;

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