Saturday, May 30, 2015

From the Managerial Zoo -5 Managers in the Days of Internet of Things

The Lion Manager (LM)

Young technocrats may have to work with a number of different types of managers - some supportive, some obsolete. This author tries, in this series,  to portray these   managers in these days of  the digital manager. 

These managers are regal and highly distinctive managers. They are  well groomed and carry themselves with dignity. They are majestic. They carry on their appearances with a flair and a fashion. They stay aloof from others. They are a cut above the others. Treated by subordinates with awe, they do not indulge in small talk. They do not need to play politics. They command respect. They work smarter, activity being interspersed with logical think time. They are strategists. They like tigers,  have a 'pride area' of operations and no other department can interfere in their jurisdiction. They are autonomous managers.  Lion Managers  often expect personal loyalty from among the subordinates. 

Lions like to design effective strategy, policies, plans, standards, processes, tools, and techniques. They take logical decisions on when, and how  to source to external providers. They monitor and align the processes, tools, and techniques. They create value in deliverables. They stress on evidence- data analysis and IT/technology architecture . Under their guidance , there is an effective cycle of information within the organization.

However, these majestic lions  have  unbelievable flaws as they are scavengers; they might eat the kill of others. ( my idol has feet of clay!!!). They might misuse power quietly to their advantage. None dares question the lord of the land. Managers,  are intensely sensitive when it comes to themselves.

(Excerpts from the author's manuscript on the IoT Manager. Copyright vests with  the author) 

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