Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Is the Canadian dollar turning to be a safe haven?

  • The lower oil prices would have net negative impact on  Canada.
  • In January Bank of Canada   had  a 25-basis-point reduction in the policy interest rate.
  • The economy saw no growth in the first quarter.
  • Non-energy exports   have been doing well.
  •  Business Outlook Survey shows that capacity constraints are encouraging exporters,  promising new investment.  
  •  An annual growth of 1.9 per cent expected this year.  
  • Inflation as measured by total CPI today is running at about 1.2 per cent, well below the  2 per cent target.

  • Yet the CAD is rising. Is it now the North American Safe haven?

2015-04-27: 1 CAD = 0.8261 USD
Source: Bank of Canada 
Without any risk or responsibility

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