Friday, May 29, 2015

From the Managerial Zoo- 2 - Obsolete Managers in Days of Internet of Things

Young technocrats may have to work with a number of different types of managers who seem redundant in these days of technology driven professionalism. This author tries, in this series,  to portray these  difficult  managers who do not fit in with the youngster's perspective of the digital manager. 

Animal 2- 
The 'Most Knowledgeable' (MK)  Manager- the Hyena.

Leadership in technology companies is different from other companies. The base of the technology is a techno structure. It needs high level managerial skills to keep this highly qualified flock together. Many managers fail to manage. They 'just boss over'.

The MK manager, the hyena,  believes he is a know all - a 'walking encyclopaedia'. Considers it his right that others admire him. No one within the organization, he believes, can match him in his knowledge or in his sophistication. He is of the firm belief  that he has done great work by the company; long tireless years of exertion. He has seen it all: from the tech bubble to the great recession. He claims he has studied the impact of Internet and web based services. He claims to be the chief contributor to the e commerce strategy of the organization.  Internally, he feels that he is somewhat of an unrecognised talent. He seethes internally. He does not care that cannot foster or retain talent.

Though inwardly, he has contempt for his  superior or peer (forget a subordinate),  MK shrinks at the sound or sight of his boss. If the boss calls, he grabs the telephone in a hurry. If the boss expects him to be on a Google talk at an appointed hour, he is around most day and even evenings  just to show his deferential obedience. His sole intent is to keep his position intact and earn as much money,  by means fair or otherwise,  as he can. He is discreetly ambitious; knows he has frailties but to overcome these he is arrogant to those lower in the hierarchy. He laughs at subordinates as if they were unworthy human beings; treats them even as slaves or as doormats. He seems a colonial master who strongly believes imperialism produces results. 

The hyena accelerates 'official killing'  of any targeted employee so that he can share the kill with the scavenging boss. The latter uses him effectively to obtain information or to hunt people whom he (the boss) is loathe to carry along. The boss lets hyena kill so that he can enjoy the kill. The boss knows the hyena delivers. So he lets him be.

Tactics to beat away the hyena:
Do not just communicate,  make sense of organizations through effective communication. (including prolonged silence to the hyena's laughter)   
Keep on focusing on customer needs. The companythen needs you then more than the hyena.
Hunt on the basis of data; the hyena cannot match you there- he goes by instinct.
Think to a pattern. 
Work to a pattern.
Tread not on the hyena. He might have the support of the big boss.
Concentrate on the team  effort. Remember 3 dogs may beat a hyena.  IT is a collaborative platform.
Develop interpersonal skills to match the hyena's laughter.  
Show depth in knowledge; the MK hyena then knows he cannot trifle with you.

  (Excerpts from the author's manuscript on the IoT Manager. Copyright vests with  the author) 

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