Thursday, May 7, 2015

The rise of the Scottish Nationalists might not be so good for the GBP ...

The Scots may miss being in the comfort zone king makers but the pro independence stance of the Scottish Nationalist Party may harm the unity of the United Kingdom in the medium term. SNP has emerged powerful.

Thus the British dictum of divide and rule may be returning home to harm the interests of British assets. The Scots may have as much in common with Europe as the British and may outpace England's growth rate given their known entrepreneurial abilities and natural resources. Glasgow may well be the centre to watch.

Even if there is 'unity in diversity', the British mosaic is tearing off. Shakespeare cannot hold together when financial backwardness is perceived by individual Scots.

"He's poor, and that's revenge enough.'(Shakespeare) 
Timon of Athens...

So it may mean a weakening of the UK fabric and there may be subtle encouragement from quarters which may like a weaker UK.

Does the bell toll for London as a financial centre?

Without risk or responsibility

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