Friday, May 29, 2015

From the Managerial Zoo- 3 - Obsolete Managers in Days of Internet of Things

Young technocrats may have to work with a number of different types of managers who seem redundant in these days of technology driven professionalism. This author tries, in this series,  to portray these  difficult  managers who do not fit in with the youngster's perspective of the digital manager. 

Animal 3 : The Jackal 
The Great Pretender (GP) -  the Pretentious Manger:  The Jackal

He has no illusions. He knows he does not know. He is  totally aware of his limitations. Originally from a great lineage of opportunism, he belongs to an ilk of predators, preying on subordinates while currying favors with superiors. He has to cover up his ignorance. 

This type  is careful not to antagonize anybody in power. He normally tags himself to one big boss. On the sly, he lets it be known or rather, proudly exhibits,  that his boss has failings. Any problems, he whispers (whines) are to be blamed on these failings. In today's context,  professionalism is often substituted by envy. 

It  may be true that he may have been a good student during his youth. He is possibly into difficulties in more recent times as he has not up dated. He seeks accelerated career progression commensurate with his brilliant past not the decadent present. He therefore feels that he needs to be showing off his intensity for the systems and procedures. He is keen to ensure that his systems approach is acknowledged as good if not great. Fact of the matter is, he really does not care for either.  The Internet of Things is another farce for him. But he quotes Sundar Pitchai. 

He excels in pretending to the contrary and indulges in theatrics just to protect his ignorant flanks. He likes to lord over; always attempting to imitate  the boss,  who to him,  is lion. 

You,  as a young professional,  see through him but you can be either helpless or be indifferent, given the organizational context. In desperation, you may have to reluctantly watch this type's howls, barks, growls, whines and cackles; but remember-  none of these make a roar! The jackal manager knows a little about technology and pretends he knows quite a bit. 

A jackal cannot be a lion. So let him be.

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