Friday, May 29, 2015

Google Now as a Repertoire for Education Internet of Things

“We understand more than 100 million places”. “Not just their physical layout and geometry, but also interesting things like when are they busy, when are they open, and what are you likely to need when you’re there.” Aparna  Chennapragada

Google Now seems a more practicable source to effectivize the Internet of Education than  Brillo and the Weave. Google Now may be useful for educators and students. One could ask it a range of questions. One could  also set reminders, put entries in  calendar, look up  information. So seach and plan. 

The answers to queries would be gleaned  from  Google’s Knowledge Graph, a collection of over one billion entities (sports teams, recipes, gas station locations, and   supplied by information housed in third-party apps—apps you have less and less reason to visit as Google Now smartly investigates and reveals). The Knowledge Graph is Google's system for organizing information about millions of well-known "entities": people, places, and organizations in the real world. Google's algorithms cull out and synthesize information about entities from copious  data sources.  

Google Now also offers games to play. So all in all, it should assist fun filled learning. It should develop into creative and immediate learning.

The opening of more than one application on Google Now should assist anywhere any time learning. You can study at your pace.  

Is this the education connectivity platform that we are waiting for? 

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