Sunday, July 5, 2015

Greece either way, Europe is a loser

Greece voting is under way; either way the result has already weakened Europe. The current imbroglio  has set back the concept of a federal Europe.

It also indicates that Europe has been unsuccessful in throwing up a pan European leader. There are German and French and British and Greek leaders ; but no European leaders. The last European was perhaps Willy Brandt...With low cost economies in Asia, and with strong leaders like Modi  and Xi Jinping and Abe and Obama , Europe has none to match. Had there been a Charles De Gaulle today, may be... But seldom have European leaders risen above national interests. Nationalism is at the centre of the Greek referendum. Nationalism will resurge with the German domination sensed.

If China and India join in economic infrastructure building, that action  may set Europe's clock by several centuries. Centuries ago, Europe had the fire power and  mapping abilities. Then they could colonize. Now at most they can emigrate to Australia or Canada.

Innovation has virtually ceased to emerge out of Europe. Science, which was so prosperous in Europe, is caught up in this turmoil. British Universities, for example suffer research funding constraints.
Whatever little happens towards this direction of innovative thinking these days,  seems to emerge out of Nordic areas or Germany. The rest have become cost heavy.

Has Europe ceased to deliver value? Value is benefits minus costs. It has few benefits to give and has become too cost heavy. Companies may have to migrate to more successful locations. Just like jobless driven Greeks.

Without any risk or responsibility....

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