Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Pangs of restructuring in the IT industry?

"Microsoft :  $3.2 billion quarterly net loss. "

IBM "revenues dropped for the 13th consecutive quarter and fell short of analyst expectations."  

United Technologies: "cutting its full-year profit outlook for the third time this year."

(From Various Reuters Reports)

Is it that the tech companies are experiencing a slow down as an aftermath of global slowdown?
Are technology companies undergoing the throes of disruptive power?
Are we seeing a withering away of technological centricity- of tech concentric power?
Are the old 'too big to fail companies'(TBTF)  companies  (IBM, Microsoft) set for struggle or lost in the woods of Internet of Things?
Is the IoT driving towards a restructuring of  the internet industry?

What is worrying for the real world industry is that technology, which is what drives productivity is lagging behind. If tech companies are under spells of non performance, real companies taht depend on technology for their throughput cannot be far behind.

Technological innovation must be most focused on the Internet of Industrial Things to keep the growth momentum. 

A worrying day for growth optimists. 

Note: This blog offers no investment advice. The views expressed here are without any risk or responsibility. 

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