Friday, July 17, 2015

"A Smart Educational Centre" within Smart Cities- Internet of Education

The Big Trends in Technology Affecting Education: a few points:

Mobile And Digital Technology
o  New Learning Curve-   Any time Any where Education-Mobility of Education using technology
o    Mobile devices, such as smart-phones and tablets, become instruments of educational inputs
o    People do not just surf, search or connect  from their home computers  but use a variety of  instruments to access knowledge- 

Digital Security and Privacy
o    Security and Privacy  issues
o    Authentication and biometrics .
o    Access  Controls both at aggregate and disaggregated levels.
o    Multi factor authentication
o     Educational Institutions (EIs) to  implement strong authentication and data encryption
o    To protect the education institutional data in the cloud

         Cloud Computing-
o    Economies of scale- cost savings
o    Delivery model-  interconnected and on tap
o    On demand access to shared pool of computing resources-
o    Flexibility in utilizing computing resources.

             Big Data
o    Data generated within EIs.
o    Data generated by inter connected stakeholder institutions
o    Data generated by on-line social networking and sensor networks
o    Data collected by governments and educational institutions
o    Tapping a universe of digital information that is growing at over 50% each year. 
o    EIs can use big data techniques to derive insights on student  behaviour and faculty deployment patterns.

       Sensors and the Internet of Things : Robotics learning machines:
o    New complementary learning machines:
o    Computers that can think.
o    Machines that can converse (m2m)
o    Traditional computing machines and algorithms are programmed to carry out specific tasks when responding to educational ; now software will write to make machines talk and rearrange
o    It is the age of cognitive machines which are designed to learn from the data that they possess,
o    Machines programme themselves to perform new tasks.
o    Machines continuously adapt to new data as well as feedback and inputs gathered from their experiences, including interactions with humans. 

                Building  New Skills and Competencies in Technology.
o    Technology will   dis-intermediate in good measure
o    Make affordable the educational sector,
o    It will create new type faculties who are powered by technology
o    Educational professionals will need new capabilities. 
o    Skills and expertise based on  technological pedagogy. 
o    Building capabilities and opportunities in Educational Technology
o    Emphasis on futuristic skills.
    • An innovative culture - awareness of adaptive innovation- innovation is not always about being high-tech but being more high touch. 
    • Re- designing better work processes and creating new education  models  
    • Enabler technology both efficient and effective.

                  Development Initiatives for a Smart Educational Centre
o    Building of industry-wide technology infrastructure that is required for the delivery of new, integrated educational services
o    A multi-agency effort to guide the development of efficient digital study systems
o    Need  to evolve  a conducive regulatory environment,
o    Chart strategies for a Smart Educational Centre
o     Educational Sector Technology & Innovation scheme to provide educational support
o    A technology-enabled regulatory reporting system
o    Smart surveillance for data trends
o    Supporting an education-tech ecosystem
o    Building skills and competencies in techno-pedagogy.
o    Establishing Innovation centres:  EIs to set up their R&D and innovation labs within smart cities; generate ideas and innovations that EIs could adapt and adopt
o    Provide a platform for collaborations with the education sector  to produce innovative solutions for educational problems and needs.
o    Macro -level projects: to catalyse the development by EIs of innovative solutions that have the potential.
o    A centralized  record-keeping system  
o    A shared infrastructure for a know-your-student utility;
o    A catastrophe data inventory storage and analytics centre..

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