Thursday, July 2, 2015

Education in India's Smart Cities : Learning from Barcelona


Smart City
India's Concept Paper on Smart Cities points out that Social Infrastructure would include Education . It lays down that a smart city should have quality educational facilities, both for schools and higher education in every neighbourhood. This can be achieved with e-education and digital content.

Barcelona's mSchools' programme is worth emulation.

This is an educational programme aimed at getting secondary-school students to undertake classroom study using mobile technology.

This programme has been used in both state and private schools in Barcelona since 2013 to promote the development of curricula linked to technology in the area of education and its applications in social and economic environments. The aim behind the programme is to improve academic performance and to reduce school drop-out rates.

This programme consists of four initiatives:
1 "Let's mobilise computing":
This is the title of an optional 4th year course in the compulsory secondary school education system. The aim is for students to work in small groups and develop creative concepts in the form of an app that helps to contribute solutions and improve everyday activities. Besides having their teachers’ support students are provided with input by some 200 professionals from leading businesses involved in the development of apps or videogames, business incubators, Internet portals and entrepreneur associations.
2: Mobile Learning Awards
These are accolades to the most innovative initiatives in the field of education, for students and teachers alike.  
3: Mobile History Map
A project that will enable students to create and develop collective maps by using mobile technology. Students will become active developers by creating itineraries and points of interest (historical, leisure, film etc., routes) in their schools’ vicinity, and then creating and editing, using geolocation, descriptive content about their most immediate environment.
4: An impetus for entrepreneurs in the ICT-Education sector

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