Wednesday, July 1, 2015

If Kurosawa were to redo the Greek script...

Tsipras' view 

  • Europe is unfair.
  • Europe and creditors are heartless.
  • The referendum is to restore national dignity versus austerity. 
  • Greek's long term and my party's short-term interests — political survival and national unity.
  • have to be protected.
  • Signing a deal with Europe risked Greece's  fragmentation and financial  collapse  
  • We oppose any deal imposing more austerity measures.
  • Creditors' proposals for pension cuts and tax hikes would ruin Greece,  

Jeroen Dijsselbloem,

  • I tried... any new rescue may require tougher conditions than those Greece has already rejected because of the rapid deterioration in the country's finances.
  • a comprehensive and detailed list of agreed reforms is needed .

Angela Merkel

  •  Athens is to blame for allowing the bailout program to expire.
  •  It is up to the Greeks to move in
  • Decisions on Greece could only be taken on a day-to-day basis given the current level of uncertainty...
  • There is possibly Athenian arrogance...
  • They unnecessarily blame Teutonic arrogance

George Osborne  , the chancellor  
UK prepares for the worst on Greece, ..It is uncertain times.

"if only we could and if only the Europeans knew."

Greece must stay so that the euro will stop falling.

The Greek people
Caught between fear and the euro

 Without risk or responsibility

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