Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The way the cookie crumbles...If Shanghai falls , Can Mumbai be far behind?

The Chinese market peaked on  June 12;  since then, the Shanghai Composite Index has fallen almost 32 percent, dropping by more than 5 percent on some days. More than 30 percent has been knocked off the value of Chinese shares since mid-June.

Chinese Government, corporate, and household borrowing totalled $28 trillion as of mid-2014, or about 282 percent of the country’s gross domestic product, ( McKinsey).

All are connected in a globalized world...

In a convergent world, Shanghai chills should  send shivers down Mumbai spines. With the sloth of Indian bureaucracy, the lack of reforms, the rising tide of non performing and stressed assets in banking, the seeming irrelevance of the monetary transmission mechanism and the opaque broker practices, can Indian markets claim contrarian ism? The Modinomics of a digitilazied, made in India economy is yet to settle in. 

Sell on the rupee, buy on the yen .? 

Until then , be circumspect. Buyers, beware... 

Without risk or responsibility....

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