Friday, July 17, 2015

Higher Education: International Quality Principles from CHEA

Council for Higher Education Accreditation Washington (CHEA)   International Quality Principles (May 2015)

1 Quality and higher education providers: Assuring and achieving quality in higher education is the primary responsibility of higher education providers and their staff.

 2. Quality and students: The education provided to students must always be of high quality whatever the learning outcomes pursued.

3. Quality and society: The quality of higher education provision is judged by how well it meets the needs of society, engenders public confidence and sustains public trust.

4. Quality and government: Governments have a role in encouraging and supporting quality higher education.

5. Quality and accountability: It is the responsibility of higher education providers and quality assurance and accreditation bodies to sustain a strong commitment to accountability and provide regular evidence of quality.

6. Quality and the role of quality assurance and accreditation bodies: Quality assurance and accreditation bodies, working with higher education providers and their leadership, staff and students, are responsible for the implementation of processes, tools, benchmarks and measures of learning outcomes that help to create a shared understanding of quality.

7. Quality and change: Quality higher education needs to be flexible, creative and innovative; developing and evolving to meet students’ needs, to justify the confidence of society and to maintain diversity

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