Monday, July 27, 2015

Mumbai cracks nay a carnage

Sensex down by 520 points ,Nifty down 1.6 %  metal, capital  and bank stocks are all down. It is just contagion trend with sellers all the way. Indian Rupee too was down.Losses will take weeks to recover....

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Asian giants wobble - feel the Chinese cold and the American heat...

State intervention can arrest the slide sentiment for sometime but not for all time. That is why Shanghai is in a free fall.

Indian markets  has to fall in line with emerging market fears and bravado  unbacked by real economics does not help a stock market. Against the backdrop of impending rate hike by the FedReserve, emerging markets have to see a flight to quality.

Both India and China need to have structural reforms  if it is to stem the tide. Its regulators do not seem to inspire confidence. Its markets seem heavy with money tending to escape. It is not global cues alone, it is inconsistencies at home which are proving treacherous to equity holders. 

USA & JPY seem good, given the day. 

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

China through Aussie eyes

Reserve Bank Of Australia Bulletin , June 2015

Article: Potential Growth and Rebalancing in China

Cai Fang and Ivan Roberts

"Although actual growth has periodically fluctuated above and below its estimated potential rate, the difference between the two growth rates has rarely remained large for extended periods... Extrapolating current trends, these estimates suggest that potential growth is likely to slow further in coming years." 


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IMF suggests Bank of Japan should enhance communication...

"Directors noted that raising inflation to the 2 percent target remained challenging. They encouraged the authorities to continue to strengthen wage-price dynamics, through emphasis on wage growth in the tripartite dialogue, encouragement of risk-taking in the financial sector, and if needed, further monetary policy action. "

"In particular, they (the Directors) felt that the Bank of Japan could provide stronger guidance to markets through enhanced communication and put greater emphasis on achieving the inflation target in a stable manner."

 GDP is expected to grow at an above-potential pace this year (0.8 percent). Inflation remains well below the Bank of Japan’s 2 percent target partly due to commodity price developments  favorable wage-price dynamics,..

Source of data: IMF Release 15/352 dated 23July 2015 

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Jobless Data: US on course for rate hike...?

" In the week ending July 18, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 255,000, a decrease of 26,000 from the previous week's unrevised level of 281,000. This is the lowest level for initial claims since November 24, 1973 when it was 233,000. The 4-week moving average was 278,500, a decrease of 4,000 from the previous week's unrevised average of 282,500. "

Source of Extract:U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Washington, D.C. 20210 Release Number: USDL 15-1450-NAT

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UK retail sales drop: Has it something to do with tourists too?

"Compared with May 2015, the quantity bought in the retail industry was estimated to have decreased by 0.2%. Falls were reported by predominantly food stores, other stores, household goods stores and petrol stations."

Are we seeing a hold back in spending by domestic consumers? On the back of falling industrial production, and construction data,  is there a lack of confidence?

Are Summer months not the month of the tourists?  See Table Extracted from .  Spending by tourists seem to fall. One explanatory reason could be that North Americans (who are good spenders) did not come to UK in large numbers see April 2015 data as a potential indicator.

North America(Vists in 000s)250-15% ↓

Inbound visitor statistics for April 2015

Visits and spend figures
Spend & VisitsApril 2015Year to date (Jan-Apr 15)
Rolling 12 months
(May14-Apr 15)
% change
vs Apr 14
% change vs Jan-Apr 14
% change vs May13-Apr 14
All visits (000)3,1406% ↑10,0103% ↑34,6304% ↑
Spend (£m)£1,5401% ↑£5,080-7% ↓21,4900%

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cut Losses...Trend is your best friend.

Investors are once bitten, twice shy...
Chinese investors lost $3.8 trillion 
Apple erased  $38 Billion  on various concerns
 Australian shares plunged  over Greek crisis $35 bn. wiped off stock market 

Investors buy and hold ; they fall in love with positions. They attempt to be contrarian...

Remember, the market is too big for you to turn it around.
Trend is your best friend. 

Note: This blog offers no investment advice. The views expressed here are without any risk or responsibility

Apple Lovers ...Investor expectations and delivered value need to be matching

Apple did not enthuse the stock markets.

Blame it on the watch ? But you need to give a little more time to the new entrant....
Blame it on the Tab? But then are we not moving into miniaturization? And Samsung is to Apple what Lexus is to Benz... (A benz is a benz is a benz)....

Blame it on China? That seems most likely... Fears that Chinese sloth may affect  Apple's sales. Mandarin speakers bought 112 % more last quarter... But apprehension: will growth sustain....Apple therefore needs to worry on the current occurrences in the Chinese economy... of stock slides; of gold sales; of slower growth....The investor sees not the same charts  as the Apple CEO ...

Apple needs to restate its  Goal:
greater than
or equal to promises

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Is India hurtling towards its Lewisian turning point? Case of Kerala

Arthur Lewis observed that the modern sector (also called the capitalist sector) is able to rake in profits helped  by low labour costs because of  unlimited supplies of labour from the agricultural sector. 
The migrant labour force accepts low wages just around  the living standards prevalent in farming.However, a point is reached when no more labour pours in  from the underdeveloped, or agricultural, sector and wages begin to rise. This is known as the Lewis turning point.
In a case of the Lewisian turning point,the  state of Kerala in India has 2.5 million migrant labourers from other  parts of the sub continent. The state has apparently  already turned the Lewis point. Labour costs are high . There is outward migration, mainly to the Gulf countries from among the youth of Kerala.  The skilled labour have thus migrated and the unskilled influx from the Northern and Eastern parts of the sub continent make up the working labor force within the state. Given the inflow from emigrants, there is a perceived inclination for white collar jobs and a shirking of lower level jobs among Keralites. These are clearly signs of Lewis' point. 
The immigrant labour are largely into construction rather than in to industry. Industries are virtually non existent as costs of labour prohibitive. Restrictive trade practices have smothered industrial growth and the state is afloat on Gulf received remittances. 

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Reserve Bank of Australia says 'geo-strategic elements in the Greek situation"'

"There are also important geo-strategic elements to the situation, which is one reason why nations outside Europe are taking such an interest."

"China's economy and financial system are going through a period of adjustment and uncertainty."

..." likelihood still seems to be that US interest rates will begin to rise before the end of this year. ... Some turbulence may well occur as a result not of the first increase in US rates, but of investors trying to assess how soon subsequent increases might occur. "

Excerpts from speech : 

Issues In Economic Policy-Glenn Stevens , Governor

Address to the Anika Foundation Luncheon

Supported by Australian Business Economists and Macquarie Bank
Sydney – 22 July 

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Pangs of restructuring in the IT industry?

"Microsoft :  $3.2 billion quarterly net loss. "

IBM "revenues dropped for the 13th consecutive quarter and fell short of analyst expectations."  

United Technologies: "cutting its full-year profit outlook for the third time this year."

(From Various Reuters Reports)

Is it that the tech companies are experiencing a slow down as an aftermath of global slowdown?
Are technology companies undergoing the throes of disruptive power?
Are we seeing a withering away of technological centricity- of tech concentric power?
Are the old 'too big to fail companies'(TBTF)  companies  (IBM, Microsoft) set for struggle or lost in the woods of Internet of Things?
Is the IoT driving towards a restructuring of  the internet industry?

What is worrying for the real world industry is that technology, which is what drives productivity is lagging behind. If tech companies are under spells of non performance, real companies taht depend on technology for their throughput cannot be far behind.

Technological innovation must be most focused on the Internet of Industrial Things to keep the growth momentum. 

A worrying day for growth optimists. 

Note: This blog offers no investment advice. The views expressed here are without any risk or responsibility. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

The return of Gold as an investment avenue might synchronize with the Fed hike...

If the Fed expects
full employment and
it senses growth on track, and
it sees a likely raise of the inflation head and
it increases the interest rates,
then gold investors might see stability.
As the higher the expected price rise, the better gold as a hedge.
In emerging economies, interest rates have to move up  to attract investment and there could be money price  induced real inflation. 
Gold then becomes a stabilizer.

Note: This blog offers no investment advice. The views expressed here are without any risk or responsibility. 

The Fed message : "To be forewarned is to be forearmed"

St. Louis Fed President J Bullard told Fox Business Network that there was a better than 50 percent chance that the U.S. central bank will raise interest rates in September.That had the dollar strengthen. That had the market hasten up expectations of a rate hike. That also  keeps the anticipations of a British hike ticking. 

If the dollar strengthens against the yen, then Nikkei should fall. So also other Asian stock markets in tandem. Buying oil becomes a shade costlier for all. For the GCC countries selling oil became a little more difficult as it has become expensive, given that oil is invoiced in dollars.

With the calm banks in Greece, the euro must be looking for a breather and a climb. If the euro climbs, the exports from Europe may hold back a stock market runaway.

Chinese authorities continue their macho state vigil and intervention in markets. The more you liberalize, the more you control. 

Indian politicians , as usual,  are  determined to talk loose and work less. So reforms are stalled and FIIs may well do to exit. Its banks NPA remains a cause for worry. 

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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Oil needs to fall further this week?

Gold price falls seem to presage further oil price falls...

Reasons abound:

  • The return of Iran, 
  • the oil glut:  
  • record inventories in OECD
  • the geo-political moves by Saudi Arabia, 
  • The over production by Nigeria,
  • fear of slowing growth in Asia
  • the Chinese stock market now propped by state intervention.
  • the difficulties in a second stimulus in over-extended China
  • the probability of European weaknesses despite a hammered Greece,

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It rains Gold

Gold prices are falling...
Reasons ?
USD moves up. Fear of a rate hike.
Previous experiential scarring
Commodity prices down.
Oil prices falling. Middle East buyers hesitant.
Understated Chinese holdings.
India's internal gold mobilization moves.
No technical support.
Forex reserves seem to have only a small percentage in gold.
With China in a state of stock shock, consumers would defer buying gold.

Sell on the fact.

This blog offers no investment advice. The views expressed are without risk or responsibility. 

China : Financial Statistics, H1 2015 (July, 17, 2015)

Extracts : Chinese data from People's Bank of China[1]

   Broad money rose by 11.8 percent and narrow money by 4.3 percent

At end-June, the broad money supply (M2) stood at 133.34 trillion yuan, increasing by 11.8 percent year-on-year, up 1.0 percentage point from a month earlier but down 0.4 percentage points from the end of last year.

 The narrow money supply (M1), at 35.61 trillion yuan, rose by 4.3 percent year-on-year, down 0.4 percentage points from a month earlier but up 1.1 percentage points from the end of last year.

The amount of currency in circulation (M0) was 5.86 trillion yuan, increasing by 2.9 percent year-on-year. The first half of 2015 saw a net money withdrawal of 165.5 billion yuan.

·         RMB loans rose by 6.56 trillion yuan and foreign currency loans by US$40.5 billion

At end-June, outstanding RMB and foreign currency loans totaled 94.43 trillion yuan, up 12.5 percent year-on-year.

By sector, household loans rose by 1.95 trillion yuan, surpassing the growth in the same period last year by 75.1 billion yuan, with short-term loans and medium and long-term (MLT) loans increasing by 617.1 billion and 1.34 trillion yuan, respectively.

The monthly weighted average interbank lending rate for June stood at 1.44 percent .
Official foreign exchange reserves stood at US$3.69 trillion

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Data Analytics: The Chinese Stock market is smouldering eruption point for the globe...

  • China accounted for 38 percent of the global growth last year, up from 23 percent in 2010, (Morgan Stanley) 
  • $3.25 trillion loss is divided among around 90 million Chinese
  • $6.7 trillion increase in China stock market in 12 months
  • Corporate debt estimated at $16.1 trillion
  • 150% rise over a year in the Shanghai Composite Index

  • Goldman Sachs estimates  the outstanding margin financing, at 2.2 trillion yuan ($355 billion)  
  • 1301 companies have had trading in their shares suspended.
  •  A $2.6 trillion of wealth, tied up in these shares, is completely frozen

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BRICS need mortar says World Economic Forum's Thierry Geiger

A China India Comparison: India is far behind in ranks...

Global Competitiveness Index

China 28- India  71


China 46 - India  87

Macroeconomic Environment

China 10 - India  101

Higher Education & Training

China 65 - India  93

Financial Market Development

China 54 - India  51

Technological Readiness

China 83 - India  121
World Economic Forum

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Asian Development Bank says : India Growth intact

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has cut its 2015 growth forecast for Developing Asia to 6.1% from 6.3%, amidst slower-than-expected economic activity in the United States (US) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), according to a new report.
Source: ADB 
But India Growth remains intact at 7.8% in 2015 and 8.2 % in 2016
Source: ADB:

ADB, based in Manila, is dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration. Established in 1966, it is owned by 67 members – 48 from the region.  In 2014, ADB assistance totaled $22.9 billion, including cofinancing of $9.2 billion.
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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Study or Struggle in the forthcoming Robotic World

We need to study. Jobs are hard to come by.
It is a technology skill driven world. More of growth with less of jobs.

We need to study together with a focus.  (: ”)

Harvard Business Review :Do You Really Need to Hold That Meeting? by Elizabeth Grace Saunders

Stop and Think:Read :


Marco Rubio on cartelization among universities...

An educational  point to ponder globally:
 U.S. presidential candidate Marco Rubio says  that universities are operating as a "cartel". " We do not need timid tweaks to the old system. We need a holistic overhaul," he said.  He felt that the powerful colleges and universities use their power "over the accreditation process to block innovative, low-cost competitors from entering the market.[1]

Cartels represent oligopolistic structures. Cartels fix prices.  A few elite institutions set standards and prices.  Entry is limited to the affluent, the privileged, the networked. ('The prime ministers of England are made on the play fields of Eton', they say). The syllabi covered in a typical class in all good universities are the same. Yet there is brand differentiation in education. Alumni and faculty of elite institutions benefit from the perpetuation of this branding.

Marco Rubio is quite right. There is need to democratize education. The new on line learning systems and the Internet of Education (as a part of Internet of Things ) needs to dis-intermediate the elitism in education. 

"They also serve who only stand and wait", said  Milton. We shall wait. 


Friday, July 17, 2015

The 7 Principles of the Internet of Things (IoT) by Tom Bradricich

Dr. . Tom Bradicich, VP of Server Engineering at Hewlett-Packard enunciates the 7 principles of IoT

"1. Big Analog Data
Analog data represents the natural and physical world and is everywhere or in other words is part of everything; light, sound, temperature, voltage, radio signals, moisture, vibration, velocity, wind, motion, video, acceleration, particulates, magnetism, current, pressure, time, and location. It’s the oldest, fastest, and biggest of all big data, but it represents an IT challenge in that it has more than two values that digital data has.
Simply put, in many ways analog data needs to be treated differently than digital data. The question is, and will continue to be, how can we efficiently unlock the business value of Big Analog Data?

2. Perpetual Connectivity
The IoT is always connected, always on, and that “Perpetual Connectivity” to products and users affords three key benefits:
  • Monitor: Continuous monitoring which provides ongoing and real-time knowledge of the condition and usage of a product or user in a market or industrial setting.
  • Maintain: Due to continual monitoring one can now push upgrades, fixes, patches, and management as needed.
  • Motivate: Constant and ongoing connection to consumers or workers gives organizations a way to compel or motivate others to take some action, purchase a product, etc.
I refer to these as the Three M’s, and the notion that an organization can be perpetually connected to consumers and products is quite profound, with far-reaching implications and opportunities. For example, if your washing machine was connected to the IoT, predictive analytics could sense when the machine would fail and schedule a repair, say, ten days before that unfortunate event occurred. This way you’re not standing in front of a defunct washer holding a basket of dirty laundry. 

3. Really Real Time
The definition of real time differs from people who don’t understand the IoT than from people who do. Real time actually begins back at the sensor or the moment the data is acquired. Real time for the IoT does not begin when the data hits a network switch or computer system – by then it's too old. If you want to know if your house is going to catch on fire, how soon would you like to know that? Or if and when a crime may occur, mere seconds are crucial. Hence an alarm must go off in very real time, before the data even gets to the cloud or data center, or it doesn’t help.
The point is, we’re seeking to blend the world of operational technology (OT), sensors, and data measurement with the world of IT. The IoT blends these two worlds for the first time in a major way, and the results will be profound.

4. The Spectrum of Insight
The “Spectrum of Insight” derived from IoT data relates to its place in a five phase data flow: real time, in motion, early life, at rest, and archive. Recall real time for the IoT at the sensor or point of acquisition and analytics are needed to determine the immediate response of a control system and adjust accordingly, such as in military applications or precision robotics. At the other end of the spectrum, archived data in the data center or cloud can be retrieved for comparative analysis against newer, in-motion data, to gain insight into the seasonal behavior of an electrical power generating turbine, for example. Hence insight from the big data in the IoT can be extracted across a spectrum of time and location.

5. Immediacy Versus Depth
With today’s traditional computer and IoT solutions, there’s a trade-off between speed and depth. That is, one can get immediate “Time-to-Insight” on a rudimentary analytic such as a temperature comparison or fast Fourier transform to determine if rotating wheels on a tram will cause a life threating accident. Immediate Time-to-Insight is crucial here.
On the other end of the spectrum is the time required to gain deep insight. The example here is from one of my former customers, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Europe, where they smash subatomic particles together to seek insight into the make-up of such particles. The data collected here takes a long time to analyze, using large, back-end computer farms. Such depth of insight has resulted in the recent discovery of a new subatomic particle called the Higgs Boson.

6. Shift Left
Consider the mutually exclusive objective of deriving both immediate and deep insight, as discussed in #5 above. It’s really hard to get both today. However, engineers are good at resolving conflicting objectives and getting BOTH. James Collins has referred this phenomenon as “the genius of the AND”.
The drive to get both immediate and deep insight from data will cause sophisticated high end compute and data analytics that is normally reserved for the cloud or data center (what I call Tier 4 in the IoT solution), to migrate toward the left of the end-to-end IoT solution infrastructure. That is, deep compute will be positioned closer to the source of data, at the point of data acquisition and accumulation in sensors (what I call Tier 1) and network gateways (Tier 2). 

7. The Next ‘V’
Big data is commonly characterized by the infamous “V’s” --- Volume, Velocity, Variety, and Value. I propose a fifth “V” -- Visibility. When the data is collected, data scientists around the world should be able to see and work with it, as needed. Visibility refers to the benefit afforded by not having to transfer large amounts of data to remote people or locations. I love this idea of access to data and app “independent of time and place”. Mark Templeton, CEO of Citrix, adds a third independence: “independence of device”.  My team and I are working closely with our partner Citrix as we deploy time, place, and device independent “Visibility” solutions.
I’m quite enamored with the IoT and the deep implications of these seven principles. I’m currently helping lead a team to advance HP’s contributions to the IoT, and I’ll be discussing our path forward as we at HP play an increasingly important role in the emerging IoT." 


This is a classic piece. 

Dollar Strength and Growth

Fed, Ny Study

The Effect of the Strong Dollar on U.S. Growth by   

Extract :
"The recent strengthening of the U.S. dollar has raised concerns about its impact on U.S. GDP growth. The U.S. dollar has appreciated around 12 percent since mid-2014, rising against almost all of our trading partners, with the largest gains against Japan, Mexico, Canada, and the euro area. There was far less movement against newly industrial Asian economies and hardly any change against China. In this blog, we ask how the strength of the dollar affects U.S. GDP growth. Although the dollar can impact the U.S. growth through a number of different channels, we focus on the direct impact through the U.S. trade balance. Our analysis shows that a 10 percent appreciation in one quarter shaves 0.5 percentage point off GDP growth over one year and an additional 0.2 percentage point in the following year if the strength of the dollar persists. "

With no risk or responsibilty

Higher Education: International Quality Principles from CHEA

Council for Higher Education Accreditation Washington (CHEA)   International Quality Principles (May 2015)

1 Quality and higher education providers: Assuring and achieving quality in higher education is the primary responsibility of higher education providers and their staff.

 2. Quality and students: The education provided to students must always be of high quality whatever the learning outcomes pursued.

3. Quality and society: The quality of higher education provision is judged by how well it meets the needs of society, engenders public confidence and sustains public trust.

4. Quality and government: Governments have a role in encouraging and supporting quality higher education.

5. Quality and accountability: It is the responsibility of higher education providers and quality assurance and accreditation bodies to sustain a strong commitment to accountability and provide regular evidence of quality.

6. Quality and the role of quality assurance and accreditation bodies: Quality assurance and accreditation bodies, working with higher education providers and their leadership, staff and students, are responsible for the implementation of processes, tools, benchmarks and measures of learning outcomes that help to create a shared understanding of quality.

7. Quality and change: Quality higher education needs to be flexible, creative and innovative; developing and evolving to meet students’ needs, to justify the confidence of society and to maintain diversity

Gold falls to 2015 lows...

As the market braces for the Fed move upwards , Gold seeks to retreat. All metals and commodities could be under strain.
There was quietude on the European front. Gold was not glittering as a safe haven.
Indians and Chinese are not so keen to buy despite the falling prices.
India's non banking financial intermediaries will face acute loan to value issues. This in turn might affect some of India's banks' loan portfolios.

This blog does not offer any investment advice. The views expressed are without any risk or responsibility.

Dollar and the US economy on course upward. Fed Gets more data evidence...

US  Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.3 percent
 in June on a seasonally adjusted basis, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
 reported today.  
The U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development jointly announced the following new residential construction statistics for June 2015:
Privately-owned housing units authorized by building permits in June were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,343,000. This is 7.4 percent (±1.2%) above the revised May rate of 1,250,000 and is 30.0 percent (±2.3%) above the June 2014 estimate of 1,033,000.
Single-family authorizations in June were at a rate of 687,000; this is 0.9 percent (±1.1%)* above the revised May figure of 681,000.
Authorizations of units in buildings with five units or more were at a rate of 621,000 in June.
Privately-owned housing starts in June were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,174,000. This is 9.8 percent (±19.9%)* above the revised May estimate of 1,069,000 and is 26.6 percent (±19.6%) above the June 2014 rate of 927,000.
Single-family housing starts in June were at a rate of 685,000; this is 0.9 percent (±11.5%)* below the revised May figure of 691,000. The June rate for units in buildings with five units or more was 476,000.

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"A Smart Educational Centre" within Smart Cities- Internet of Education

The Big Trends in Technology Affecting Education: a few points:

Mobile And Digital Technology
o  New Learning Curve-   Any time Any where Education-Mobility of Education using technology
o    Mobile devices, such as smart-phones and tablets, become instruments of educational inputs
o    People do not just surf, search or connect  from their home computers  but use a variety of  instruments to access knowledge- 

Digital Security and Privacy
o    Security and Privacy  issues
o    Authentication and biometrics .
o    Access  Controls both at aggregate and disaggregated levels.
o    Multi factor authentication
o     Educational Institutions (EIs) to  implement strong authentication and data encryption
o    To protect the education institutional data in the cloud

         Cloud Computing-
o    Economies of scale- cost savings
o    Delivery model-  interconnected and on tap
o    On demand access to shared pool of computing resources-
o    Flexibility in utilizing computing resources.

             Big Data
o    Data generated within EIs.
o    Data generated by inter connected stakeholder institutions
o    Data generated by on-line social networking and sensor networks
o    Data collected by governments and educational institutions
o    Tapping a universe of digital information that is growing at over 50% each year. 
o    EIs can use big data techniques to derive insights on student  behaviour and faculty deployment patterns.

       Sensors and the Internet of Things : Robotics learning machines:
o    New complementary learning machines:
o    Computers that can think.
o    Machines that can converse (m2m)
o    Traditional computing machines and algorithms are programmed to carry out specific tasks when responding to educational ; now software will write to make machines talk and rearrange
o    It is the age of cognitive machines which are designed to learn from the data that they possess,
o    Machines programme themselves to perform new tasks.
o    Machines continuously adapt to new data as well as feedback and inputs gathered from their experiences, including interactions with humans. 

                Building  New Skills and Competencies in Technology.
o    Technology will   dis-intermediate in good measure
o    Make affordable the educational sector,
o    It will create new type faculties who are powered by technology
o    Educational professionals will need new capabilities. 
o    Skills and expertise based on  technological pedagogy. 
o    Building capabilities and opportunities in Educational Technology
o    Emphasis on futuristic skills.
    • An innovative culture - awareness of adaptive innovation- innovation is not always about being high-tech but being more high touch. 
    • Re- designing better work processes and creating new education  models  
    • Enabler technology both efficient and effective.

                  Development Initiatives for a Smart Educational Centre
o    Building of industry-wide technology infrastructure that is required for the delivery of new, integrated educational services
o    A multi-agency effort to guide the development of efficient digital study systems
o    Need  to evolve  a conducive regulatory environment,
o    Chart strategies for a Smart Educational Centre
o     Educational Sector Technology & Innovation scheme to provide educational support
o    A technology-enabled regulatory reporting system
o    Smart surveillance for data trends
o    Supporting an education-tech ecosystem
o    Building skills and competencies in techno-pedagogy.
o    Establishing Innovation centres:  EIs to set up their R&D and innovation labs within smart cities; generate ideas and innovations that EIs could adapt and adopt
o    Provide a platform for collaborations with the education sector  to produce innovative solutions for educational problems and needs.
o    Macro -level projects: to catalyse the development by EIs of innovative solutions that have the potential.
o    A centralized  record-keeping system  
o    A shared infrastructure for a know-your-student utility;
o    A catastrophe data inventory storage and analytics centre..

The author can be contacted at