Monday, March 9, 2015

Is Greece likely to disturb the European Story?

Yanis Varoufakis has threatened referendum if Greece does not get a fair deal in renegotiations. it could be his academic integrity, or his inexperience or his posturing : a threat that may loosen up a bit the opposition camp. However, he has stated a potential possibility. That should have another round of euro bashing in place by an already tense financial investor population.

"Eurostat estimates that 24.056 million men and women in the EU28, of whom 18.129 million were in the euro area, were unemployed in December 2014..."  ( Eurostatistics Data for short-term economic analysis Issue number 02/2015)

The unemployed may find leftist thinking attractive.   From Spain to Portugal to Italy  to even France, there might be some worries in common. 

Without any risk or responsibility

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