Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Why is Draghi having to plead this way?

Mario Draghi: Inauguration of the new ECB premises

Excerpts from the Speech by Mr Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, at the inauguration of the new ECB premises, Frankfurt am Main, 18 March 2015.

18 Mar 2015
"But it (the building)  also stands as a powerful symbol of what European integration is about. It reminds us of where we have come from and where we have come to

...Of the horrors that can happen when we split apart, and the huge steps forward we can make when we work together.

So let us not undo what has been achieved. Let us not hanker for the past. Let us draw on the past to unite us in the present - to build a complete Union that can deliver the stability and prosperity we need..."

Our views: Is it a fear of disintegration or the helplessness of a Central banker? 

Views expressed without any risk or responsibility

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