Thursday, March 26, 2015

Education and the Internet of Things: Some Implications for Educational institutions

What will the new operating platform of Internet of Education (IoEd) imply for educational institutions ?

As the Internet of Things (IoT)  progresses, modernizing educational institutions have to become an integral part of this technological sophistication, if they have to stay in the forefront of education. In an  IoT world, homes and people and devices would all be connected.  Educational institutions  have to think early on how to move ahead on sensors, connectivity and machine to machine (m2m)- backward and forward linkages.  As technology moves on to tap wearable devices, smart rings, smart bangles, smart clothes and smart watches - all sensor sensitive devices would seize the market.

As much as students receive support from devices, students would also have to permit return transmission of info flows. On the back up of these connected devices, students would share data from these devices with educational institutions.   Internet-linked sensors worn by students should enable  educational institutions  to fill in data on their activities.  Each student would send megabytes of data annually. These volumes have to be efficiently absorbed and effectively utilized by the educational institution.

Student  devices will have some form of wireless connection. Educational institutions  would have to enter into partnership with technological firms to  capture store, retrieve, analyze massive macro and micro elements. Thus, the Internet of Education (IoEd)  is not only about helping the one - off student but also in plotting/  drawing inferences at a macro level  on the strength of several packets of information received from about several hundreds or thousands of students.

Educational Institutions have to be so significantly alert on assimilating technical information in regard to:

·         Digitized communications
·         Smart m2m connectvities
·         Automated logistics
·         Application of sensor sensitive devices

Having large quanta of data implores the educational institutions on the need to go beyond data. The investment requirements will be quite high in the first round, but over time the marginal cost will come down and as such the average cost of investment will come down.  

According to Cisco Systemsby 2020, the amount of Internet-connected things will reach 50 billion, with $19 trillion in profits and cost savings coming from Internet of Things (IoT) over the next decade[1].
These strands of thought are a part of the research work being undertaken by the author on the Internet of Education in Emerging Economies.

Copyright of this article and its contents vests with the author of this blog: Jayaram Nayar. He can be contacted at email:  


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