Monday, March 16, 2015

The Internet of Education (IoEd) : Seeking A Cultural Shift in Schools in the Emerging Economies

The Internet of Education (IoEd)
Seeking A Cultural Shift  in Schools in the Emerging Economies[1]

Tomorrow's markets lay in the several frontier and emerging markets. The foundations of an economy's success lie in its schools. How can emerging economies prepare their Schools for the future in anticipation of Internet of Things?

For quality seeking schooling institution looking at positioning themselves in the future,  the most important element in a growth strategy will be ensuring that the School's  IT policy includes IoEd.

This policy should encompass from device (hardware) acquisition to in-depth technology-based learning software acquisition to connectivity and networking.  May be IT corporations could collaboratively associate to help in  lending expertise. A Community approach is recommended to save on costs of investment.

A Hub and Spoke approach to networking may be most economical. A Learning Technologies Center may be formally established in each School district to connect faculty  in proximate , contiguous areas, with the latest advancements in Internet of Education. Investment in good infrastructure which could be utilized as a community (the economies of scale)  as the base for the mindset shift in the district's schools. 

The Schools have to encourage and collaboratively organize,  intranets and discussion forums among district's schools to foster a collective learning community. These internal and external dialogues, should constitute a powerful communication tool within the community and with the students and should result in a networking of proximate schools.

The thrust of IoEd will be to connect  and network (a) the pedagogical delivery tools (b) the e-learning platform, (c) intranets (internal student - academic- administrator) communication systems (d) discussion forums, (e) assessment practices (f) student-to-teacher interaction and records student presence, learning and progress.

[1] These strands of thought are a part of the research work being undertaken by the author on the Internet of Education.
Copyright of this article and its contents vests with the author of this blog: Jayaram Nayar. 
He can be contacted at email:  

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