Monday, March 23, 2015

China from a World Bank Window: [1]

China's education budget is 7 times higher than in 2000.
250 million Chinese  people have migrated to urban areas
100 million are being prepared by the Government to urbanize.
90 % of Chinese have health insurance coverage.
China is the largest producer of renewable energy in the World.
More than 600 million people have moved out of poverty since reforms in 1978.

Our Comments : - 
  • China's growth may be slow but it looks set for sustained pattern.
  • China has accounted for more than a third of global growth over the past seven years[2]
  • It is likely to be a high income country by 2030.
  • Lagarde points out that China has begun "a process of rebalancing in multiple dimensions: from investment to consumption; from manufacturing to services; from capital-intensive growth to one that is driven by innovation, higher skills, and technology."[3]
  • China has liberalized its lending rates .
  • Its deposit rates more flexible. 
  • Private investors are encouraged to establish small and medium-sized banks and other financial institutions. So financial sector seems on reforms course. 
  • China may be thus well on course despite its current slow growth.
  • Slow growth may help absorb structural reforms and avoid overheating.
Views expressed without any risk or responsibility

[1] Speech by World Bank Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer Sri Mulyani Indrawati at China Development Forum

[2] Speech by IMF Managing Director Lagarde on 20th March 2015. 
[3] China and the Global Economy: Creating New Ingredients for Growth , Christine Lagarde
Managing Director, International Monetary Fund , Fudan University, Shanghai, March 20, 2015

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