Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Visualizing IoEd helping the 'Less Performing' Student' (LPS)

Visualizing IoEd helping the 'Less Performing' Student' (LPS) [1]

A teacher's main concern in a classroom situation is the 'less than average' student. Let us call him the 'Less Performing Student' or the  'Less Proficient Student' (LPS).  To any diligent and conscientious teacher, the LPS  is not the Least Preferred Student but the one the teacher is most anxious about. An LPS represents the limits of a teacher's explanatory abilities and therefore an LPS is an acknowledgement of the teacher's shortcoming if not failing. So, it is in the depths of a teacher's mind that an LPS be lifted up on a par with the performers of a classroom.

Developing fault lines in communication to the LPS might result in eventual blockage in the LPS' mind and turn him to become a non -performer from being a less performing student. So how do we ensure that the LPS is not detached from our train of skill formation? It is the submission here that we must use the Internet of Education (IoEd) to effective support system for the LPS..

The future of education is digital.  IoEd should be on to assist an LPS through interconnected platforms from mobiles to on line learning portals, to sensors to  robots to a host of connected devices. this connectivity is to help the average or sub-par student erase his fear of non comprehension. IoEd should sense non comprehension instantaneously. This detection of disquiet in the LPS should be possible through sensors. there should be disturbance signals that neurons send out. The captured signals will be  transmitted from the neurons of the weak student to the mega centralized robot who will transmit to him immediately the support systems to break down more simplistically the basics of the information sought.  The knowledge robot(s) will use elements to dispel their (LPS') doubts from the minds of these students in real time. (From the unknown to the known)  With the erasure of ignorance, the LPS is protected from being frozen in a shell of non comprehension. and left behind. It could well be that nanotechnology should alert the centralized server of  doubts in the  mind of the weak student and probable.

So along with  the teachers, technology in the format of a robot (on the shoulder of the LPS) should intervene. Teachers need IT professionals to support them in maintaining the value of educational supply chains. The nanotechnologists and the robotists would support only till such time as the LPS is back on the highway of knowledge. Networked, wireless communication between the LPS  and the technological environment must take place instantaneously at the point of non comprehension. Over a period, feedback from several LPS, should provide teachers with  suggestions about learning obstacles, teaching and update them on solutions.   

Copyright of this article and its contents vests with the author of this blog: Jayaram Nayar. He can be contacted at email: 

[1] Note: These strands of thought are a part of the research work being undertaken by the author on the Internet of Education in Emerging Economies.

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