Friday, June 5, 2015

Square positions mean less tense weekend...

It seems  too risky to keep open positions over the week end even if you have  the authority from your boss and  back office to so do!!!

The Greeks are rather sensitive and defiant.  They have decided that they need to keep the money with themselves. If  the outstanding sums are large, the deliberations have greater seriousness!

Merkel is looking for 'numbers' in the end.  The Germans are rather disappointed at having to dole out the Greeks.

The bond market seems rather volatile(volatility is probably where you make your money) but then the weekend is too long to have long positions. 

The European banks ranging from HSBC to Lloyds seem to leave lingering doubts in the insecure minds of the investor. 

The US economy sends out mixed signals. The IMF  pleads with US  not to raise the interest rates in the fall. But "if winter comes, can spring be far behind" ? The Fed has been considerate but would be driven by data and not IMF pleas.

So the FIIs have to leave the emerging economies some day,  soon and with the oil glut, Indonesia and Venezuela are examples of how the cookie crumbles. 

Australian stocks haemorrhaged, shedding $70 billion over the week in worries over the stalling domestic economy and that piled on  a global bond sell-off to hit local equities . It might take some time for the Aussies to restore confidence.

Without any risk or responsibility 

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