Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Greece- "Time is running out" says German Bundesbank Executive Board Member

Excerpts of Interview with Andreas Dombret published in Bild-Zeitung on 1 June 2015: "How much of a risk would a Greek bankruptcy pose for German savings?"

"It would be wise for the Greek government to act quickly – time is running out for Greek banks."

"The situation in Greece is very critical, and of course bank customers see that as well. In the first four months of this year, they had already withdrawn just under €30 billion in deposits from the major Greek banks."

"If we consider the Greek sovereign bonds in the Greek banks' books, for example, then we're talking about a figure in the double-digit billions. What is more, Greek banks' deferred tax assets against the government make up almost half of their common equity tier 1 capital, their most important buffer against losses. This raises the question of what these claims are worth."

"The ball is in the politicians' court. Neither the ECBnor banking supervisors can resolve the Greek economy's structural problems.”

Source: Deutsche Bundesbank 

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