Friday, June 26, 2015

Tsipras: Managerial Retreat - Lessons from Greece

When a Leader  is pushed in to a corner and has nothing but the wall to turn to: 
a) He takes the battle to his people. He works on the principle of apparent transparency in decision making. However, it actually is that he is on a blind alley. then the leader recalls that 'My enemy's enemy is my friend. ' . 
b) He creates a scenario of distress and darkened future. Of denunciation of an old ally by richer erstwhile allies. 
b) Denounce the opponent in vehement terms :(Tsipras suggested 'blackmail' by lenders)
c) Declaims a higher responsibility: ("Our responsibility is for the future of our country.")
d) He evokes wrong deeds inflicted on his people and seeks retribution for it.( "humiliation of the entire Greek people".)

Tsipras seems to be using symbolic messaging to stir up his people to emotionally delinking from Europe. He is suggesting that they have nothing to lose but their austerity chains. He has turned it into a haves vs have-nots fight.

Without any risk or responsibility

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