Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Cheaper Yen, Jap Companies Cheer

Japanese companies were upbeat. Some relief in a Greece induced gloom world.

Tankan Explained : (source :Bank of Japan) https://www.boj.or.jp/en/statistics/outline/exp/tk/extk03.htm/#p01

1.Purpose of survey

The Tankan is a statistical survey by the Bank of Japan in accordance with the Statistics Law (Law No. 53 of 2007). The survey is conducted to provide an accurate picture of business trends of enterprises in Japan, thereby contributing to the appropriate implementation of monetary policy.

2. Survey method

The answer sheet is returned by mail or online. The Bank of Japan is obliged to keep confidential information obtained from respondents under strict security control in accordance with the Statistics Law.

3. Frequency of survey

The survey is conducted quarterly in March, June, September, and December. The survey results are released at the beginning of April, July, October, and mid-December in principle (released at 8:50 a.m. Japan Standard Time). The release dates for the next one year are announced in advance at the end of June and December.

4. Coverage

(1) Tankan

The population of the survey is approximately 210 thousand private enterprises (excluding financial institutions) in Japan with at least 20 million yen in capital, based on the "Economic Census for Business Activity" jointly conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in February 2012.

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